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My kitty has a cold ;_;

18 15:23:59

Hi, my 4 year old kitty, she's a tortuse-shell bengle, has a slight cold.
I know theres really nothing you can do but wait, but do you have any tips on ways to help her get better faster?
and maybe some suggestions to what may have started it?

Cats don't catch 'colds' but they do get upper respiratory illnesses when they are not kept current on their vaccinations.
You should still take her in to the vet's so they listen to her lungs and give you antibiotics to prevent her from getting pneumonia.
I have two cats ages 5 and 14 and they never get ill because I vaccinate them yearly for these types of diseases.
One of them spends most of her time outside and one inside so that has no bearing on it.
I hope she feels better soon! ^_^