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trauma signs in dog or poison

18 15:19:08

My dog is pacing and has to be near me at all times since last Friday (it is now Wed).  We did have a couple of bad storms w/lightning.  I was at work when the storms happened.  He has not been afraid before.  Plus my son was out of town until Monday.  Do you think the storm traumatized him that badly and he is afraid we will leave him?

Also....what are the signs of poisoning?  He eats everything in sight.  We thought possibly he ate something or was bit by an insect, snake, etc.  Can't find signs of bite wounds.


There are many signs of poisoning that are largely dependent on the type of poison ingested.  Vomiting,lethargy, hypersalivation;, or disorientation. Take him to the veterinarian if you think he has been exposed to a poison.  

A lot of animals, especially dogs, get very anxious when they hear thunder.  You may want to try desensitization -play music that has the sounds of thunderstorms - loud, banging, thunderstorms.  Play them while you are home so your dog can see that the sounds will not hurt him.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM