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my dogs poor ear is swollen

18 15:24:10


this is herwith her po
i am worried about my dog.her name is lady.she was coughing for a few days.every time she got excited and i just thought she had a cold or something.well she has stopped the caughing for the most part,but i noticed a few days ago that she wasnt lifting her ears.she has ears that stick straight up,not floppy ears.she is a curr.they look like a sheperds kinda.the same type of ears.well.i noticed last night,the wide flat part of the ear is swollen up like a is harible looking.i feel so bad for her.she trys to shake her head and she cant.she cant lift her ears.seems to look like it hurts her.i cant afford to take her to the vet.i havent any money and no one will see her for free.i dont know what to do for her and i dont know what is wrong with her ears.can you please tell me what to do for her and what is wrong with her ear.thank you so very much.

Well before I even saw the photo I knew she has what we call a hematoma.
What happens is with all the coughing and head shaking she ruptured a blood vessel in her ear flap and now it is swollen with blood.

If you don't get it treated it will stay this way for a long time then the swelling will go down but when it does it makes the ear shrivel up and get all wrinkled and ugly looking and can block the ear canal which is a bad thing.
You see stray dogs like that now and then.

It is something that really needs to see the vet. The vet will drain it and then put a mesh pad down on it with sutures so it won't swell back up while the inside of the ear heals. Then after about 7 days you go back and they remove the sutures and it should stay flat.

I don't mean to be blunt but if you cannot afford proper care for your dog then you should find her a home where she can get proper care.
Animals need us to be able to support them and care for their health needs as well as their food and shelter. She gives you unconditional love in exchange, taking care of her health needs are a small price to pay. Look around where you live and call the vets for prices. Ask for some help if you need to from the Humane Society or local shelters.Ask the vet if they have a hardship fund or can do monthly payments but be sure you make them! We had people pay us $5 a month but they did pay off their bills!!

Why was she coughing? Is she vaccinated and on monthly heartworm prevention also? Like children, pets are not cheap to raise but if we choose to have them then we need to be able to care for them.

Good luck and I hope you find a way to get her into the vets. Let me know how it works out.