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mange and me(us)

18 15:56:39

i have a question about my 10 wk.old puppy. he was an abandoned stray that we have had for about 2-3 weeks, probably part chow/lab. he looked fine when we brought him home but after about a week he started losing his fur on his back paws then legs, up through his abdomen and some on his front legs. he has no fleas or flea dirt. when we took him for a check-up, the vet said he might have mange even though the tests results on 3 areas were negative. so he gave me some meds for 3/2-week interval treatments and said to keep the dog away from everything for the first 2 weeks to see how he does.
the problem with that is that i have 3 other dogs, one which thinks he is the dad to this puppy and i can't keep them separated, plus 7 cats, a guinnea pig and hamster,and i babysit with 4 kids of my own.  i have no where to keep the dog "away from us".  besides, he got so used to sleeping with me or someone that he cries all night  and day if we just put him in a room and leave him. so far none of my other animals seem to have any symptoms but since talking with my vet i feel like i itch all the time, even though there is no rash. (its probably just the thought that makes me itch).
my question is this:  can we get what he has and how will we know? is my house safe. i don't
 want to just lock him away as this will change his personality.  have i infected all of us.what about the other animals?

i am so worried i can't think of anything else.  i don't want my other animals to suffer but i don't know what to do.  could it just be allergies because he really doesn't like the grass and scratches the most right after i've taken him outside?

There is a type of mange called sarcoptic that affects people and other animals.  If you are using the dip solution for mange (I assume that it is amitraz), that usually kills this type of mite also.  So the pup should not be contagious if you have dipped him.