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chronic diaherra

18 14:06:13

My 15 yr. old female cat has chronic diaherra I had her checked for worms and none were found.Her litter box is on an enclosed heated front porch. She uses it and the floor and she she has a leaking of stool most of the time I have her on a raw chicken diet which I hoped would help but little has changed she eats and drinks good but also voimits occassionally.Help what can I do? I am on a very very small income and can't afford to take her back to the vet.We live in a small rural area and don't have access to stores that carry over the counter meds but can get things off internet.

In older cats there are many things that can cause chronic diarrhea.  There may be something in the raw chicken like a bacteria that can cause it.  Liver and kidney disease in the cat can cause it.  Lymphosarcoma and inflammatory bowel disease can cause it.  So it is hard for me to tell you exactly what to do.  First, I wold changes the diet away from any chicken, raw or cooked to see if there is a sensitivity to chicken.  I would also try an antibiotic called metronidazole benzoate to rule out any type of bacterial problem in the bowel.