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Springer problem

18 15:44:56

Hi, My Springer Spaniel has a bad allergy problem. We have been feeding him non-alergen food to no avail. My vet wants to do around $600 worth of testing but has advised me that even after the testing it will be a challenge to get this under control because my dog has a bad temperment and suggested putting him to sleep. He growls at me and everyone and if I try to get him to do something, like get off the bed, he will bite me. My question is this, do you think his meanness is the result of the allergies? My vet thinks he will still be mean after we clear him up. He tried to bite my small nephew the other day but I dont want to make the wrong decision. Thanks for your time. Janet

Sometimes dogs with itchy skin are miserable and do not have good temperments.  Some Springers exhibit something called "rage" and that is genetic.  Before you even consider putting this dog to sleep, ask your vet to give him a shot of cortisone to stop the itching from the allergies and then see how the dog does once the skin feels better.