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dog achy joints

18 16:08:01

i have a 6 year old cocker spaniel with a sore knee from arthritis.i bought some glucosamine-chondroitin tablets for her but i am unsure how much to give a 35# dog.also how long until it starts working on her?

I am happy to hear you have chosen to use these wonderful supplements. For a dog her size the indicated dosage would be around 1000mgs Glucosamine and 600 to 800 mgs of Chondroitin daily. However, as there have been no indications that these supplements can be overdosed, up to 1500mgs of glucosamine and 1200mgs of Chondroitin can be used safely. Also, if may take 6 to 8 weeks to see the effects, once you see she is feeling better,( you will not her becoming more active and frisky, being she is feeling less pain, although; don't let her over do it), than the dose can be decreased to a maintenance level of around 500 mg glucosamine and 250mg chondroitin daily.. (Give or take). I hope this provides some helpful information. Please feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns.