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urination in other places by older cat

18 15:46:37

my question is... i have a 15 year old siamese cat who has suddenly been urinating in other places besides the litter box. the most common spot he likes to do this is the bed. i have to line everything in plastic in the house because i am afraid he will urinate on things. the topper was the other day he backed right up and urinated on me. what do you think i should do?
thank you

He is trying to tell you he doesn't feel good.  Best bet is to take him to the vet for an examination, blood tests and a urine sample.  Older cats are more likely to develop kidney diseease.  He could be sufferring from a urinary tract infection or feline lower urinary tract disease.  There is always a possibility of hyperthyroidism or diabetes...that is why blood work is needed to determine WHAT the problem is.  If all the tests are normal, then I would say he is experiencing anxiety or senility.

Add another litter box in case he is associating the old box with pain.

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