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maltese puppy sickness

18 15:47:39

hi there. i am currently in south korea as an esl teacher and just bought a two month old maltese male. i brought him home from the pet store yesterday, they had told me he has had two shots so far, of which the names i can't translate for you. He sleeps alot, which i assume to be normal,and drinks water, but doesn't seem to be eating, and has been getting sick quite a bit today. he poops, it has been solid except for the last one. his vomit is yellowish and spit-like consistency, if you will. i'll be taking him to see a vet, but can't make it to a bigger town until about two weeks. when he's up he walks around fine and appears bright eyed. i guess what i'd like your opinion or advice on until i can get him into a vet is if all this is normal? could it be a change in water (i give him boiled or bottled) or a new environment, etc? any tips on getting him to eat?

Hi Wendy.  I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. My computer has been crashing for months...and I think it's on it's last leg...I can only get online when my computer feels like letting me!  Sorry for the delay...
I would definitely take him to a veterinarian ASAP.  Puppies are known to have intestinal parasites, and your puppy very well could be experiencing this.  Your veterinarian will be able to prescribe a simple pill that will rid any intestinal parasites.
Him not eating is a big deal.  Puppies need to eat very often...especially small puppies.  He should be eating at least 3 meals per day.  Try some beef baby food over his food, or some canned food.  These seem to stimulate appetites.  
I am unsure if you have Gatorade where you are.  Lemon/Lime Gatorade diluted in water will elevate the puppy's electrolytes, which is very important.
All in all, a vet visit is a must.  I wish I could be of more help and please let me know how he does!