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correct dosage of medicine for dog

18 15:09:27

I have a 20 pound Dog who has a severe skin infection that causes scabby like bumps all over her back and belly and insides of her legs. I have started treating her with Erythromycin at 200mg a day. How many days should I give her the medicine?  I don't want to give it to her longer than it is necessary to clear up her problem. Thank You.

Dosing your own dog with antibiotics is not recommended because if you give the wrong drug, you will create a resistant strain of bacteria. You don't even know if it is a skin infection do you? It could be demodectic mange or ringworm.

I have never seen anyone give Erythromycin to dogs. It makes me very ill so I would assume it is not a drug of choice for dogs either. They have way more acid in their stomachs than I do and it kills my stomach.

You need to get this dog in to see a vet and get a skin scraping on the dog before it is treated with anything. It could even be her food. My dog broke out with pustular dermatitis from a diet change- but I knew that so I didn't start dosing her on antibiotics.

The point is, find out what this really is before you give her something that can harm her or not give her what she needs for the problem.