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brown flakes on cat skin

18 14:46:51


cat wounds

I have a persian female cat (16 months old) and currently pregnant. I noticed few months ago that she had some white flakes on her back skin. they were'nt much only a few bits here and then; but I took her to the vet and she told me that it might be because of the cold weather or some minor allergies and that I shouldn't worry about it since its not severe. Today, I noticed those white flakes turned to brown ones; so I tried to groom them off for her with a comb, but surprizingly the flakes came off with some blood on the same spots the flakes were.
I am a bit worried that she might have parasites or fungus, although I always use revolution on her every month.
What do you think about this? any advice would help.
I also attached a photo of her back when the flakes came off, and as you can see they look like wounds with blood.

thanks alot

Moe -

I am unable to see anything other than a spot on the picture you sent.  However, from your description  it sounds as if your cat has parasites.  Of course the best way to determine what is wrong with your pet is to have her examined by a veterinarian.  

Do not attempt to treat with over the counter medications - especially since your kitty is pregnant. Inform your vet that she is pregnant and he/she will provide meds that are safe for your cat and her kittens.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM