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Cairn terrier holding tail between legs

18 15:23:50

QUESTION: Normally very perky and holding her tail in the air, and also wagging, she has started to hold the tail quite firmly against her bottom with the end end between her legs.

ANSWER: I am sorry, but I am not sure what your question is.
You made a statement but didn't ask me a question.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The question is "What do you think this change in behaviour could be down to? Is it something I should be concerned about?"

It is hard to say why she is doing this but these are the things we have seen:
Sudden tail tucking is usually caused by an injury to the spine, the tail head or the sacrum. She can do this just by jumping off the couch wrong.

Most dogs try to protect the injured area and if she hurts in the hindquarters the easiest thing to do (in her mind) is pull her tail in so it won't hurt. The muscles in the back and tail head make the tail wag and if they are sore then she will tuck her tail to not wag it.

The bottom line is she needs to see the vet for a check up.