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Hot spots & lymph glands

18 15:05:00

My 8 yo basset hound girl recently was treated for a hot spot in her armpit.  At that time our vet found that her jaw, armpit, and groin lymph glands were swollen.  I took her for a return visit today, and while the swelling is reduced, they are still enlarged.  The vet suggested a biopsy, but I would prefer to wait a short time to see if this resolves itself.  Can a hot spot infection lead to those swollen lymph glands?

It is rare to have a true hot spot in the armpit.  If she has 3 different lymph nodes swollen,then it is not from that type of infection.  There may be an infection coursing through the dog or there may be Lymphoma.  A biopsy of the lymph nodes will tell you if the dog has cancer.