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18 14:32:05

i have a 15 week old maltipoo who i am trying to train. i am usign pads. she is very, very onconsistent with using them. she is in her kennel all night and never goes in there (8 hrs). i take her out in teh moring and lift her directly to pad and she usually runs away and pees and poops in the house. i do nto crate her during the day. when she i alone )3 hrs a day) she is incinsisten as well. pls  pls help.

Well she is already bring trained to use the pads and to go inside the house. You cannot train a dog to do both, it confuses them and upsets them.
You need to take her out right after she eats in the morning and take a piece of her food with you as a treat if she goes potty. You must really praise her a lot and you cannot, cannot scold her at all. Any scolding or yelling for pottying in the house will undo everything.

Do not let her use pads in the house. Get rid of them and only take her outside. Take her out right after she eats, and even if she doesn't potty, bring her back in if she is uninterested. If she then potties in the house, you simply pick HER up and take her back outside calmly and tell her that's where she is to go. Take a urine soaked pad outside if you must but don't bring it back inside.

Take her out at midday and repeat the same thing. If she goes outside, praise her over and over in a high voice, not loud one, and give her the treat.
YOU are the one that must be consistent, not her.
She is almost getting too old to be trained correctly as it seems you have either started or gotten her late.

I do not know what this word is-incinsisten- so I can't understand the sentence.

If she isn't getting a clue when you follow the steps above, then you may have to have your vet or a dog trainer help you. This method works for all dogs and even ones that have had issues. You just have to remain calm, do the same thing every day and use a lot of praise and treats.