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Cat Litter Issue

18 15:42:39

I have a kitten 7 weeks old.  I have had it for two weeks and it started usind it's food bowl as a litter box.  It does still use the regular litter box, but it is also using its food bowl.  I'm not sure how to fix this problem as I have never run across it before now.  Do you have any insight into this aggravating issue?  I would really appreciate your help.  Thanks a bunch.

I would slightly elevate the food dish.  You can also pick up the food dish after the kitten has had a chance to eat for 20-30 minutes.  My guess is that the smelly aroma of the food is confusing the kitten and thinking it is the litter box.  Make sure you have the litter box in an easily accessible location that is not close to the food dish.