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My dog is really sick from last 20 days

18 15:04:00

My doggy Rock is not feeling fine from last 20 days. Rock is a mixed breed of German Shephard and Dober Man and is 10 years old. He has almost completely stopped eating. There is some infection in his eyes , but he is given eye drops for that.
Rock is not able to excrete properly and has completely lost his appetite. I am really afraid. Please help me.

Have you taken him to the vet for the eye infection? If so, what did he/she say about the dog not eating?
This dog needs to see a vet right away if he hasn't already. He could have eaten something and is partially blocked.

There are many reasons he could be sick, but they all point to the fact you need to get this dog into the vets for an exam.
He is very ill from what you are describing and needs a doctor. Please call the vet today and take him in.