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guinea ill

18 15:40:14

my guinia pig has been ill for a while his name is cupcake and i brought him to the vet.he put him on antibiotics but that didnt seem to cure anything..just bandaide it.he wheezes and breaths fast,he cant squeak but his eating and drinking habits are fine.he acts normally and has no other lost on what to do or what is wrong..i feel so bad for him but he really is fine otherwise..i have thought maybe some tumor maybe causing this..but hey,im a human nurse not animal..maybe you can help. thanks for taking the time to read this i know you are busy...heather

What kind of bedding are you using in his cage?  Sometimes these guys develop allergies to wood based beddings.  They help keep down odor, but they produce alot of dust and cause upper respiratory problems.  Try a paper based bedding.  It this is not the case, look for something else in his environment that may be causing the breathing problems.  The fact that he is eating and drinking is a good sign that this is upper respiratory and not lung envolved.