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6 month quarantine, old dog

18 14:31:57

I'm currently in Poland, I've sold my house and have to be out by mid June. I'm coming back to the UK with my dog and it has turned out she will need to do six months in quarantine. She is 14, and has some health problems connected with her age- she's pretty deaf, her eyes are a bit misty, and she's a lot slower than she used to be. She used to be my mum's dog, but unfortunately she passed away last year. When I got here our dog could hardly walk, she had a back x-ray and it turns out her spinal discs are growing together. But I've since then completely changed her diet, added supplements, and she is thriving. If anything she is still improving! She has lost weight, is active for her age, playful, and shows no signs of being about to  die! My question, I guess, is one of a matter of opinion- can a dog her age handle quarantine? I have selected a quarantine kennels 10 miles from my new home (the closest there was) and they allow visits daily between 12-4pm. Due to working, i will not be able to go every day, but at least a few times a week. Our Polish vets have been seeing her for the last four years, and do not think there is any reason she shouldn't be able to make it... but I would like as many opinions as possible! She has never spent more than a few hours alone, and she has never stayed at a kennels. To me, this seems like it could be extremely traumatic... but then... she's a dog. Do you think that despite her age she could handle such an ordeal? I know all we can do is speculate.
What a mess!

Well that is a tough one, but she sounds pretty hardy and if you visit her daily I am sure the 6 months will zip by before you know it.

I don't suppose they will make exceptions for elderly dogs but you can always ask. Make sure they keep her on the same food, same supplements etc.

Hopefully you can take her for a walk or play with her while you are visiting her. Being around all the other dogs is sometimes more fun for them rather than stressful but it will be stressful at the start. That is why it is very important that your presence there is crucial.

Keep an eye out for stress-related diarrhea and things like that. She should be fine, however, and as I said, it will go by fast!