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breathing - asthma sound

18 15:43:45

I have noticed only in the last few days that my chocolate lab "Bailey" has been making a sort of "asthma" sound although it seems more so when he awakens through the night - it has not been constant or after exercise (like our morning walk/run or a few hours at the doggy park where he is swimming - he sounds as though he is lightly gasping for breath, for lack of a better word, but only lasts a few seconds - I don't think asthma since it's not happening after exercise - respiratory? his event is not happening more and more but he has never made any sound as this, Should I get him to the vet quickly? He is 1.5 years and very active and healthy and is due in November 4 boosters - would it matter to get the booster a month early and have this checked out? Please advise and thanks in advance....Luanne

Hi Luanne, Dogs and cats of any age can get asthma, but it occurs more commonly in young and middle-aged pets. The primary sign is coughing. Owners often report wheezing and, in rare cases, respiratory distress occurs resulting in open mouth breathing and purple gums and tongue. This latter condition is an emergency. In some cases, pets may become lethargic and stop eating, resulting in weight loss. Between episodes, pets are usually normal. Triggers for asthma may include second hand smoke, litter dust, air pollution and certain fragrances.

So, by the sound of it, it does not sound like asthma. If this continues, discuss it with your vet,I don't think it is anything serious,but its best to be on the safe side. I hope this is helpful. Sending wagging tails your way, Nicole!