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Cats eye leaking

18 14:41:22


I have a domestic short hair female cat who's left eye has had a red/brown discharge for a while now. On numerous times I have tried to take her to the Vet but she is extremely difficult to firstly catch and secondly keep a hold of. Is there something I can try to help her at home?

Thank you very much :)
Kind regards.

Hi Laura,
I understand how hard it is to catch some cats. A reddish brown discharge usually means it's been there a while. Animals have a certain compound in their body that turns their body fluids like saliva, eye discharges, urine, etc into a brownish color when the air hits it for a while. That makes me think she has had this eye issue for some time.

If the discharge were green, yellow, thick, pussy looking I would think that she had an infection, a foreign body in there, etc. Her's sounds more like a tear duct problem- but without having it looked at there is no way to know of course.

Since I am not a vet I cannot tell you what to treat it with at home and even a vet would tell you that all eye discharges should be looked at first to remove the possibility of their being something in the eye. We have seen cats with stickers in their eyes that have brownish discharges and not green ones.

You should rent a have-a-heart trap and catch her in that. They are very safe and easy to get the cat out of once you get her to the vets. Another way we always told our clients to transport their fractious cats in was a pillow case. It is easier to get them into one of those (after catching them of course) then it is to get them into a carrier which of course scares a semi-wild cat crazy.

Once you have her make your self straight to the vets office. If they have to sedate her, the beauty of the pillow case is that they can inject her right through it.

Other than that, there really isn't anything you can do at home for her until you know what is in or with her eye.

Hope you do catch her and get her in soon.