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Anipryl and Metoclopramide combination

18 15:55:29

My 11 year old Doberman Pincher has Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome. She has been on Anipryl for 3 months and was acting like her old self until a couple of days ago. She is acting like she did before giving her Anipryl. Our veterinarian put her on Metroclopramide 10mg 3 times daily + her 30mg of Anipryl. My question is, how does Metroclopramide help my dog. I thought Metroclopramide was for nausea. Does Metroclopramide and Anipryl work together to help dogs fight CDS. Thank you   Tami Good

Hi Tami!  I have never heard of metoclopramide aiding in this sort of treatment.  I would definintely ask your veterinarian why this was prescribed.  The two medications do not work together in any way that I know of.  I wish I could help you and please let me know how your baby does!