Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Chewing on paws and backside and drueling while left alone in his cage..

Chewing on paws and backside and drueling while left alone in his cage..

18 16:06:06

My 12 1/2 yr. old peekapoo needs to be put in his cage while we are at work. When I get home his cage has pools of druel and his paws and backside are soaking wet from him chewing on them. I have been told that there is little that can be done. I tried this animal relaxer from a health food store but it did not worked. Charlie, the dog, has just gotten off of steriods because of back problems. Other than that he is in good health. Is this a reaction to pain or just bordom? Any ideas of what might help?

It could be both!  If your vet cant seem to give you an answer, get a second opinon.

He is obviously under soime sort of distress if he is acting this way.

Lots of toys, keep the radio or tv on to help ease the loneliness and I belive there is a doggy phermone similiar to Feliway for dogs. I don't remember the name though.

Good LUck!