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Sheltie-brain tumor?

18 15:46:17

I have a Sheltie, almost 13 years old.  Recently, he has been very ill, and to the vet about every other week.

He doesn't want to move, getting up and down is hard for him.  His left eye started bulging, took him to the vet, gave him benadryl and aspirin.  The next day, his left nostril started bleeding and bled for 2 days.  Back to the vet, antibiotics, steriods.  He is not getting air through his left nostril.  Vet thinks it could be a tumor, but without an MRI ($800) could not tell for sure.  Before he went on steriods he was stumbling and falling down, running into things.  He now seems to be doing alot better, all the way around.  But, he is coming down off the steriods (1/2 tablet every other day, for about another week).  I am afraid if it is a tumor, he will be in pain again.  He would wander the house at night, scratching on the mattess of my bed.  I don't want him to suffer, but I also will have a very hard time putting him down.  I have had other pets put down (a cat and dog with cancer), but I just thought I would get another opinion.

Thanks for any help you can give me.


He may have had an episode of Vestibular Disease that was contributing to the problem.   

It is very likely that he has a tumor, however, at his age and poor health, surgery is probably not an option anyway regardless of the MRI.  Best thing is to keep him comfortable.  If he has a relapse when the steroids are finished, then I would just keep him on a low dose of steroids to keep him as good as he can be.

In addition, he also has some degree of Cognitive Dysfunction which can be helped by feeding B/D diet or all all organic home-made diet and supplementing with Choline 40 mg twice a day as well as B complex vitamins, 25 mg twice a day, Vitamin E 100 units twice a day.