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cat health

18 15:06:00

my cat has bad scabs all over her body that bleed an weep and she has lost all her fur. now she has gave birth to a litter of 6 and they are 6months old now all with the same problem what could be wrong with then?

Your cat is suffering (greatly I might add) with either ringworm, scabies or some other affliction that needs the care of a veterinarian as soon as possible. What ever she has was contagious to the kittens and now they have it.

I am hoping that you got this mother spayed as well as all of these babies?? Otherwise they are all going to have more kittens that will pick this up.

You need to get her to the vets, get her tested for luekemia and have her checked to see what she has. The vet will do a skin scraping to look at it under a microscope for mange mites or scabies mites. He will look at the cats skin under a light to determine if it is ringworm. Both ringworm and scabies are contagious to humans.

While she is there PLEASE get her spayed! Get all your kittens fixed too.
I hope you can find out soon what it is and stop her suffering by having her treated.