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drug content

18 14:45:37

hello, my dog, a greyhound of 7 years, recently died in agony  without warning in one day,we had 3 vet visits to my home and the drugs listed below were administered, may i ask if any of these drugs contain barbiturates as i am advised that this is fatal to greyhounds.   amoxycare la injection, dexadreson 2mg, meflosyl 5% injection,engemycin 10%dd.
thank you.  

First let me give my condolences on your loss. It is never easy to lose a pet we love.
From the drugs listed none of these have any barbiturates in them. If these were fatal to greyhounds I am sure your vet wouldn't have used them. These are antibiotics, an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and a steroid.

What exactly was going on with your dog? He must have been very ill to have 3 vet home visits. Something was obviously wrong- what had your vet diagnosed the problem to be?

Again I am sorry for your loss, but none of these drugs were a contributing factor.