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Excessive Licking

18 15:19:57

I have a cat that was feral as a kitten. It's just over a
year old now and seems very comfortable with me. However,
it crawls up and wants to lick me in the face or hands.
This happens a lot. Have I now become it's substitute Mother and is this what it a kitten does with it's mother??!!??

Carol -

Grooming in animals is very common.  Cats tend to groom each other often  - when they are relaxing or after they have eaten.  Your kitty may not necessarily see you as her mother but as another member of her group.  Often kittens that have lost their mother prematurely or removed from their mother will suckle on people or objects.  They tend to suckle less as they grow older, but there are some cats the suckle their owner daily.