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Rabies shots for Cats

18 15:50:06

How often do I need to give my cats rabies shots?  My vet is telling me that she needs shots every year, but I think she only needs them every three years.

Hi Becky!  Rabies vaccines in felines are good for 3-5 years, possibly even longer.  I get my pets titer tests.  Their blood is sent to a lab to decifer how much of the vaccines are left in their systems.  I have an 8 year old cat who has not needed her rabies vaccine or booster vaccine since two years of age.  She has enough of the vaccine in her system to not need it.  I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't need anymore vaccines for the rest of her life.
Veterinary colleges are learning that vaccines every year for both dogs and cats are over-vaccinating.  Over-vaccinating can cause cancer, vaccine site sarcomas, kidney/liver damage, ect.  
Having vaccines every year gives your veterinarian a chance to examine your pet on a yearly basis.  Talk to your veterinarian about titer testing (it's not much more expensive than the vaccines are) and assure him that although you do not want your pet vaccinated on a yearly basis, you will bring him/her in for a physical examination, which is extremely important in pet health.
If the titer testing comes back with results that show that there is enough of the rabies vaccine in your cats' systems, you will be given an updated rabies tag.
I hope this helps!