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Cat scratches itself constantly

18 15:18:31

My abby< Mya,  is almost 4 yrs old.  Almost 3 1/2 years of her life has been spent scratching herself to the point of bleeding.

She's had the checks for fleas and parasites and ringworm.  Negative all.

Upon performing an extensive allergy screening it was determined that she had a primary food allergy along with many others (dog hair, grass, birch, fish, wheat, etc)

She was administered shots by myself and my wife for months.  She has also been on steroids.  NO REAL CHANGE.

Currently she's on 35mg of Cyclosporin every other day.  Again, minimal changes.  I and my cat are at wits end.  The only thing she hasn't been screened on is her thyroid.

Looking for any ideas.

Much appreciated.

Wow Dave:  Poor little cat kid!  Try some NuVET Plus - This is a skin and coat supplement.  Excellent results and guranteed or your money back... The Feline Formula is a powder that you place into her food... ( tuna or wet canned food)  

Many cat breeders send the kittens home with this product.  It helps to keep them healthy and fight off any allergens.  It's just a great product to continue for a lifetime. ( Immune system booster)

It will cost you about .50 cents per day for the NuVET Feline Formula.
Call Joan tomorrow and tell her Marie from All Experts sent you.
Joan would be glad to talk to you and help with your first order.
1-800-474-7044 ext 265   ( This is all natural and safe)
You can order from the web site:  ( make sure you use this order code - 81098 - they don't sell to the public with a code)

After your baby has been on NuVET for 30 days, please report back to me.  Let me know how the NuVET is working for your little one.

Thanks for your question!

Best wishes

Marie Peppers