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male shihtzu

18 15:13:25

i have a 3 year old male and i am trying to mate him whit a female and he is not interested please help

Dear Denise,

Are you sure you really want to get into the hassle of breeding?
So many dogs need homes and are killed every day because they are not getting the homes they need. As a holistic veterinarian, I think it is wonderful when a person does a lot of research, feeds a raw meat diet, does not vaccinate after puppyhood and uses Reiki to counteract the negative effects of vaccines when the legally required rabies is given and really works to improve the qualities of the breed. Otherwise, I think it best to not breed as it can be very very very expensive when things go wrong and can be heartbreaking if the puppies are ill.

Having given you my opinion, I will now answer your question. You need to go to your local veterinarian and have a smear done of her vaginal discharge. There are only a few days in the heat cycle when the female is interested in the male. Sometimes they will be very obvious and sometimes almost hide it. Also, if it is the first time for the male he just may not know what to do and needs to first breed with an experienced female.

Maybe look for another person on this service who knows more about breeding.
Dr. Chambreau