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Licking Fur Off

18 15:46:29

I have a wonderful 16 year old domestic short hair cat. She looks and acts really good for an old lady, and plays and chases around with our other cat, a young ten year old. Recently, she has started licking the fur on her lower belly until it is nearly bald there. She did this once before a few years ago when my adult daughter came home to live for a year with her three children (one of whom is ADD). Of course, she was stressed -- we ALL were! But nothing unusual is going on now, and this behavior has resumed. We thought she might be getting feline cognitive disorder, but her only other symptom is that she sometimes meows loudly with a strident tone, which was never typical of her. Otherwise, she seems fine, vision seems good, fur is shiny and smooth, etc. She's a little less agile than in her younger days but has no trouble jumping up on the bed or chairs and can run up the stairs full tilt after the other cat. Two months ago, as a result of our fears of feline cognitive disorder, I began giving both cats Cholodin-Fel, a choline supplement which seems to have some solid research supporting it as a preventative.

Any ideas on what's wrong with our beloved kitty?

Hello TF.

The possibilities are upset stomach, food allergy, boredom or obsessive compulsive disorder.

I would first target the diet by feeding an all natural diet that is void of by-products, dyes, preservatives and corn (not easy to digest).  Meat as the first ingredient is best.  I have switched my cats to PRAIRIE and they are doing very well on it  There are many other good foods out there such as Natural Balance, Verus, Wellness, Flint River Ranch, Precise, Innova, Eagle Pack...

Secondly, I would recommend the addition of several FELIWAY/Comfort Zone diffusers in the house to help ease any stress and anxiety she may be feeling that you are not aware of....cats are not good with change and the slighest variation of their schedules can induce stress related over-grooming behaviors.  You can also add a few drops of RESCUE REMEDY to her water dish on a daily basis...there are many flower essences available and you can use other ones as well if they fit her specific needs

Thirdly, have some quiet time with her every day as well as one or two play sessions to keep her busy.

The cholodine is a good supplement and should not be causing any problems with her.

Since she is over-grooming, you should be concerned about increased hair balls.  And in case she does have an upset stomach...I would recommend the addition of a digestive supplement.  I use Dancing Paws Shake N Zyme for my cats

Dr. Fry