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Our pets got sick/died while boarded at vet.

18 15:12:40

We boarded our two guinea pigs and our 12 year old lab at our vet for about 10 days over Christmas holiday. Both guinea pigs got sick and one died. This was the first time either of them had ever been sick in 5 years. We brought a yoga mat and a dog bed for our lab to lay on since he is older. When we picked him up he had a sore on his leg and they forgot to return the yoga mat because they put it in a closet instead of in the kennel for him to use. Do you think this is unusual?

Gretchen -

I answer only questions related to veterinary medicine.  Voice your concerns to your veterinarian; he/she should be aware that you feel your pets were not well cared  for while at his facility.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM