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pregnant cats

18 14:05:44

I went to get my 3 cats fixed because they are entirely outside cats.  Brought them to the vet, was told I actually have 3 females and two of them are pregnant.

I have an area set up upside for them with water, food, warm beds, heating lamp, etc. I have a fenced in yard and there are two spots they can still squeeze my question is, should I close those two spots so they are confined to just the fenced in part and if one has kittens first, will the other two try and harm her kittens?

My three cats are all from the same litter. They have been together since day one. So they trust each other very much and are always by each others side. Will this be the same during labor and delivery?

I would do just that- make sure they cannot get out as they will seek a dark area not in the open to have these kittens.

It's highly doubtful that the other two will hurt them. I hope you got the third one spayed!

They will not be around the sibling having babies at the time of delivery but they might take turns nursing each others babies and cleaning them.

I sure hope that you can find good homes for all of them. Pray for small litters. Next time make sure your cats are spayed by the age of 4 months, since that's when they can start getting pregnant.

Good luck!