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Pau D Arco Tea

18 14:12:55

Our cat has feline leukemia. I have read online where Pau D' Arco can be good for cats with FeLV, or even cure it. I was just wondering how much of the capsule or tea to give my cat. I don't want to over dose. Though they said it is good too much can be toxic. He is about 5-8 lbs. I also have 2 other cats who have not been tested, and was wondering if I could give it to them. They are about 5-8 lbs. too. Thank You!

I don't think that works well for cats with leukemia. The best way to give quality of life to these cats is allow them to eat well, if they no longer want dry or canned cat food give them what ever they want to eat. If you really want to supplement your cat with something ask your veterinarian to prescribe subcutaneous fluids. They will teach you how to give fluid under the skin so your cat can stay hydrated, this alone will buy some quality of life. Sometimes steroids are prescribed if they are no longer eating well.

Most important thing to do is make sure your cat stays inside and does not have contact with other cats that do not have Feline leukemia. If Your cat is no longer experiencing a good quality of life, (eating/drinking,playing,normal bathroom habits) Please take your cat to your vet and discuss suffering Vs. Symptomatic treatment for a virus there is no cure for.