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benign tumor growth

18 14:08:25

I got my dog two years ago. She's now about 8 years old. When I got her from the pound, they had just spayed her and found two large benign tumors in the process. When I got her, I found a mammary tumor that I didn't remember seeing before, so I had it checked and it was benign. That one is still about the same size, but now, I notice a new one under a different tit by the softer part of her underbelly. This one is larger than the other, about two or three inches wide, which must mean it's been growing cause I never noticed it before. My question is: given that surgery is more dangerous for older dogs, might it be more safe to have it excised now, rather than wait for it to get larger and put her into surgery when she's older?

Yes by all means get them removed. But I must tell you Mati, that a dog that was spayed as late as 6 yrs old is going to continue to get mammary tumors once they start to get them. It's just something that seems to happen.

That is why vets always stress the importance of spaying a dog before the age of 3 or 4. Once they hit 4 it doesn't matter how old they are when they are spayed, the risk of developing these tumors is very high.

You were wonderful to adopt her and while you had nothing to do with the age she was spayed, you now have to deal with the consequences of someone else's lack of care. I am sorry that you both have to go through that.

If you are diligent about checking her and having them removed while they are small, the surgeries will be a lot easier on her. Maybe at some point they will stop growing as well.

It's really hard to say, because it's not an exact science. Just keep doing what you are and hope for a cure for these things!!

And benign means that they probably won't metastasize to her lungs or brain.It doesn't mean they are not a cancer because mammary tumors are breast cancer.

Just thought you should know that. Give her lots of hugs and kisses!!