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Hamster illness?

18 15:19:58

Hi, I have a one-year-old teddy bear hamster. Lately, I noticed she's been having these really sudden sneezing or hiccuping fits! I can't really tell if she's hiccuping or sneezing or something else but her little body jumps up and down really abruptly. She gets these fits every few hours. I'm really scared that she is allergic or sick or even dying. Do you know what is wrong with my hammie? Thanks in advance!

Judy -

There are several syndromes that can cause your hamster to begin sneezing.  The most common may be an allergy to the bedding. Make sure you are changing the litter regularly.  Her bedding should be hardwood shavings, recycled newspapers, or composite pellets at a depth of 1-2 inches. You can use Kleenex type tissue for sleeping or nesting materials.  

Your hamster may also have a problem with malocclusion. Her teeth may be growing in a way that is not fitting to her mouth or she may have a tooth abscess.   Both may cause sneezing; have your hamster examined by a veterinarian to determine the exact cause of the symptoms you describe.