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Puppy ate human poo!

18 14:28:52

please help, somehow my 10week old puppy managed to get into our bathroom and eat a bit of human poo that hadn't flushed properly. I know, it's my mistake for not checking. He had his final jab on Monday. For dinner we had chicken in veg and tomato sauce. I also had some milk chocolate which I know is poisonous to dogs.
Will he be ok? Your quick response on this would be greatly appreiated as he is still so young. Am very worried.

I will most likely be fine. I don't know what you mean by his final jab, but if you are talking about vaccinations they still need a rabies at 4 months old. However, I might also think you do not vaccinate for rabies in the UK? What about bats? Bats in the UK would carry rabies would they not?

At any rate, a dog needs to be vaccinated through 16 weeks, not 10 weeks. Their immune system is not strong enough at 10 weeks to stop vaccinations.

As far as what he ate, you could give him an antacid if he seems ill but most likely he won't have any side affects. They eat cat and other dogs' stool all of the time.

I would close the lid from now on if I were you....