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Sudden biting behavior

18 14:32:55

I rescued a Great Dane puppy several years ago. She was the result of a brother/sister mating, and has several health issues, including being profoundly deaf, physical defects, CNS issues, and I suspect her vision is compromised due to overlarge nictating membranes.  In the last month, she has had two biting events (one human, one canine) and a third near miss on a human. There's no obvious stimulus for the bites, and she had already been socialized successfully with the two human victims.  I'm unsure what to do at this point.

This behavior is probably not something that is going to get better at this point. Right now she poses a major threat and liability to you. If she bites a child you are in for some huge problems.

However, I am not a behaviorist so I would suggest that you take her to one and see if there is anything that can be done.

The kindest and safest thing at this point might be to put her down. But have her looked over by your vet and a behaviorist first.

There could be a physical reason she is reacting this way.