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Hello jennifer~Ive had cats...

18 16:05:21

Hello jennifer~
Ive had cats for 35 years. Mostly just keeping
a full bowl of crunchy food outside keeps strays
around for me to enjoy. Sometimes a tom cat
will become a house pet for a year or two before
leaving for greener pastures. Lately i've seen
ads in magazines for Bengals, they look like a wild cat which i think is neat. Ive never in my life paid for a cat and these are probably a few hundred bucks and would you say they make good house cats? i enjoy a playful cat, very tame, not
biters, maybe an affectionate animal but not lazy
and sleepy a lot. Also have you heard of any slightly larger exotic cats i might enjoy, possibly a civet, or other semi domestic type cat~
I like the idea of a great big cat, but i would never have anything too big because everybody knows a cat will bite you sometimes just for the hell of it. ^..^

Yes, Bengals will cost you several hundred dollars and yes they do make good house cats.  It would be best for you to contact some breeders to find out more info on them as I am not a Bengal specialist.  Also, visiting a cat show can give you a lot of insight onto different breeds.  

Mainecoons are larger than most cats, but not wild.  One of my mainecoon patients is 25 pounds--he is a bit overweight, but one big cat.

I am not familiar with civets.