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sick kitten?

18 15:40:25

i got a kitten a few weeks ago from the local animal shelter. i took her to the vet, she was infested with worms and, sadly, died. i went back to the same animal shelter and got another kitty last monday. this kitten was a plump little butterball. i took her to the vet that same day and she got a good report. there was no stool test (?) but the vet suggested i deworm her which i started last thursday (today completed the dewormer). my worry is...kitty is pretty skinny now. i can feel her shoulders, spine, and little ribs. she is eating well: 1/2 whiskas canned food in the morning and then i leave purina proplan for kittens out for her all day and she nibbles about 1/4 cup/day. she seems to be drinking enough water. she has gotten more and more "needy". she follows me around meowing and wants to be held. she is less active and less playful. help. i plan to take her to take her to the vet on monday, but in the meantime because of the death of the last kitty, i am really worried about my lily. should i be?

Kittens with worms get very large bellies. When the worms are gone, the belly goes down in size.  So if the lkitten is eating and not having any diarrhea, he probably is OK.  The food that he is eating now will got to growth and development rather than to the parasitic worms.