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Bottle Feeding Puppies

18 15:14:15


My name is Tarquin and my yorkie (Zoe 1 years old) just had four puppies her birth was perfect we had no problems, she got milk fever on day one so my mom and I bottle feed the puppies, but I am really worried about them, they are all healthy and can suck well but sometimes snots bubbles comes out of their nose NOT MILK snot. None of them have clef palates because they can suck very well they are all healthy and even the smallest one drinks a lot. Should this be something I should be worried about? Should I take them to the vet?



ANSWER: Hi - With the milk fever.... did you try warm compresses?
Did you take mom to the vet?
As for the pups, just keep up the good work!  Make sure you are using puppy formula and do a feeding every 1-2 hrs of 1-3 ounces...

Let me know if you have more quesitons...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


We did take her to the vet and she is fine now.. But should I be worried about the puppies, with the snot bubbles?

No - just hold them upward, like you would when feeding a human baby.
Don't tip them back too much - also, don't do more than 2 ounces at one feeding...
Good Luck
Call the vet if you think and of them have aspirated on the milk.
( went to the lungs)