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Limping kitten (10 months)

18 16:06:36

My kitty came in last night after being outside.  He was not limping then.  This morning when I came home from work, I noticed that he was.  It seems to be around upper part of his leg.  Kind of where the body meets his front leg.

Hi Talia!  If you do not see any wounds in this area (like an animal bite), your kitten may have pulled a tendon by running, or have gotten injured in another way. Sometimes when an animal injures a leg, they will continue to use it until it worsens...then the limping or holding up of the leg occurs.  It is also possible that your kitten hurt his leg after he came in.  A lot of cats get most of their broken legs by jumping off of things (counters, tables,ect.) in our homes.  I would see how he is doing in the morning.  If he is continuing limping, I would definatley suggest a vet visit along with x-rays to be sure that there are no broken bones.  If he seems fine in the morning and is using the leg as usual, he probably just over-extended a ligament and "shook it off."
I hope this has been helpful,