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rubbing issue with a lab

18 15:48:56

Hi, I have a four year old male yellow lab who recently started dragging his rear end on the carpet in our house. He seems very uncomfortable with it and am curious if there is something I can do to eliminate this problem.  He gets regular vet visits and his health has been fine.  We have not changed his food.  He has had regular BMs since I have started noticing this issue.  Besides rubbing, he is also licking his rectum.  Could it be an issue with a blocked anal gland?  If so, I will bring him in the vet to have this drained.  

I am just looking for some advice.  I am not looking to replace my vet with this but was at my computer and thought I would ask.  We love our lab and just want to make sure he is comfortable and happy.

Thanks in advance for the help and look forward to your reply.


it could be a blocked anal gland. go ahead and make an appt with your vet or his techniciana to have it expressed.

what can happen overtime is that they can get so full they can abcess, so best to get it treated.

also bring a stool sample. many times when dogs scoot, it could mean intestinal parasites.

good luck