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hot spots

18 15:15:50

My dog Bradford has had hotspots.  I took him to the vet where he got a shot and was given vetalog 1.5 tablets.  He quite biting for a while but is biting and licking more and more on a new spot.  is it ok to start giving him the vetalog again and will it help without getting the shot again?  I also have a spray I have continued to use on these spots.  This seems to help but will Benadryl help in addition to the vetalog and will they ever go away?

Christy -

Your dog most likely has allergies.  You can probably treat him again, but it would be wise to find out why he is allergic to.  

Often food is the culprit when dealing hot spots. Feed your pup a high quality diet if your are not feeding him one. Generic diets are laden with cheap ingredients and those ingredients can cause skin problems.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM