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Sound induced seizures

18 14:38:57

My cat seems to have sound induced seizures. Certain sounds send her into full blown seizures. I have tried researching this but have had no luck. Has anyone heard of this? Can anyone guide me in the rights direction?

Yes, most vets have heard of it but until they see it, not many think it really exists. It is well documented in humans however, that certain sights and sounds can trigger seizures in sensitive people.
It is much rarer in cats but it is not impossible for it to happen.

The first thing you need to do is take her to the vet and have her examined thoroughly. She might actually have vestibular disease which is a equilibrium issue with the middle ear. Cats with this problem will react violently to loud noises with seizure like reactions and/or circling, falling down and or vomiting.

So get her to the vets first and have them do some rule outs. Then you will both have a much clearer direction in which to pursue.