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Kitten Bloat

18 14:38:57

Hello Jana,
  I am a RVT as well! I only have 6 year experience. I am looking for an answer on kitten bloat as well. I have an Approx. 8wk old kitten that I have bottle fed since about 1wk of age. There where 5 in the group one kitten did pass away at 7wks. Dr. Clams Sudden kitten death...I have had this happen before. No autopsy done. Anyways the smallest kitten we call her "mouse". Has in the last week had a bloated stomach. They have all been dewormed with Albon 2wk course. Stongid once every 2 weeks. Fecal Neg. Solid stools. She is having only one firm BM once daily she has been urinating a normal amount as well. X-rays showed no fluid, somewhat of a compacted stomach with a small amount of feces in colon. I have been giving Laxatone for 3 days now. Have you heard of anything like this that I should check out more? Blood work?? We did FIV/Feleuk test one of the kittens. I have been told not to Check it before 8wks we will probably re-test before adopted out as well. If you have any ideas what I should do next that would be Awesome!!
      Very much yours,

You say that you tested for FIV/FELV but what about FIP? With the lack of eggs in the stool (which must be checked every 10 days for a new hatch) she needs to be treated for rounds, whips and hookworms. You are treating for coccidia and rounds but not the others.

FIP is very prevalent in kittens and adults and the major sign of course is the bloated belly. Some cats get a dry FIP and are not bloated. Sudden kitten death is usually attributed to FELV although sometimes there is no obvious reason for it.

I don't think that an xray is going to give you a true view of fluid in the belly of something so small. You should do an abdominocentesis and see if the fluid you pull out is clear and straw colored. If it is, that is FIP.

The newest vet test kits for cats are accurate to 6 weeks old I was told, but 8 weeks is probably going to give a more accurate test. The IDEX ones have a test for FELV, FIP, and FIV.

I would use a better wormer than you are if she tests negative for FIP. Drontal has praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate in it which treats for round, hook and whipworms in cats. The drug you are using is generally used in dogs and horses.

That is about all I can tell you Krista. Get her tested for FIP and do a belly stick on her to see if there is a clear, straw colored fluid in there. Worm her for rounds, hooks and whips and possibly tapeworms as well. Never rely on a fecal to tell you if they are infected- just assume they are.

Hopefully she is on solid food and NOT Purina Kitten chow. It has cow's milk in it and cats are lactose intolerant after being weaned. That alone can cause bloat. So make sure she is on Science Diet Kitten Growth.

Good luck and let me know how she does.
Good news Krista and thank you for letting me know!! Much appreciated. :-)