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dog with excessive water intake

18 14:42:07

just took our dog in for his yearly check up received his rabies shot, vet checked his lower chest stomach area squeezing ,pressing all area's also had a anal squeeze done---then two days later our dog has started drinking excessively ,eating all his food and wanting more ,urinating about ever two to three hours 24/7 --- back to vet had a general urine check done --nothing showed up ,was put on an antibiotic --has been on it for 7 days problem continues--
last night dog became very agitated pacing ,got to the door to go out and started yelling like he was in pain-- outside starting yelping again then started urinating, then seem fine-- its a 100 dollars for each stop at the vets and since they couldn't help and its so costly I though you might come with some idea as to what is going on. please help we love this dog he is part chow and ridgeback and has been very healthy he is 7 years old male-- no other health problems till now :{

Bridgett -

Unfortunately, I cannot diagnose what your dog's condition as I have not had the chance to give the dog a physical exam.  

Obviously, there is something wrong with your dog.  Perhaps you should seek the help of a another veterinarian if you are unable to find a diagnosis with your present vet.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM