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Lethargic Cat After Vaccination 2

18 14:05:05

I just email you about my cat and I made a mistake on the dripping from rectum. The dripping is from the pee. His urine is mix with blood, though he hasn't really peed in almost a day.

I did just send you a response. Often vaccine reactions, in my holistic experience, trigger bladder infections, especially if there have been any in the past.

So forget about my wondering if there was string or something that he ate.
Your immediate concern that would have you go to an emergency clinic this weekend would be if you see no urine coming out at all. Put a white paper towel (all white) or white cloth or napkin on the bottom of the litter box and record every time you see urine there, even a few drops. If a male cat gets blocked they will vomit and be lethargic and can die.

I am so sorry I was ill and not able to answer you sooner. I hope he started to urinate or that you did take him to a vet clinic.

Now, follow my other suggestions and find an integrative vet with whom to work for maximum health in the future. With conventional care only, these bladder problems often recur.

Instead of my suggestions for the diarrhea, if he is urinating, even a little, try these:
1. Reiki - same as before.
2. Rescue remedy - same as before.
3. Give 250 mg vitamin C twice a day unless he vomits more. if he is vomiting he needs to go straight to a vet clinic.