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my cat is throwing up white foam

18 14:09:06


My seven year old cat was fine last nigh. This morning i noticed she had thrown up some undigested biscuits. Today she lets out a load cry before she threw up a some white foam. She is not interested in eating at all today. She is drinking some water but wants to be left alone. Will she be okay I am very worried. She acts like she is throwing up a fur ball but has thrown up a small amount of white foam 3 times today..

Please help! I love her so much! She is so precious!!!
Is she okay? should I take her to the vet?

Thank you for your time.
Your advise is very much appreciated.

Well if she hasn't gotten into anything and this has come on so suddenly, it might be worth a trip to the vets. If you suspect she might have eaten a piece of house plant or been outside where she could have eaten something, then by all means get her to the vets promptly.

Cats do get upset stomachs just as we do but vomiting three times is a concern.

Call your vet right away and get her in for an exam.