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chronic ear infections

18 14:44:09

My 11 y/o Shepherd mix has had ear infections for about 3 years. My vet has given me tons of different medications to try - they all help for a month or so, and then the infection comes back. It's gotten to the point where he's going to the vet every couple of months (very expensive!). I hate seeing him constantly scratching and shaking his head. What would you recommend to help?

Thank you!

Ear infections result from some type of underlying skin disease, like allergies or low thyroid hormones.  If your vet has not pursued the diagnosis of these underlying causes, then find someone who will do this for you.  Most ear problems will clear up if the primary cause is identified and treated.

If these infections have gone on for years, there is a possibility of a ruptured eardrum and a middle ear disease component.  That needs to be treated as well as the external ear canal infection.