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my daschund

18 15:29:06

My daschund puppie is 11months old she'll be 12months old on the 18th of February 2008. she has recently (1 week ago) finished her First heat cycle, and we have a male daschund (2 1/2yrs old) and he didnt leave her alone. Im scared that she might be pregnant, her tits are hanging and they are growing fatter each day,and she is constantly hungry. I just want to know if these are signs of her being pregnant and how could i tell if she is pregnant, before going to the vet?

Well if your dog was in heat and you had a male with her free rein, the chances are pretty good she could be pregnant.
However, dashounds are notorious for having false pregnancies.This behavior usually manifests when a dog has a heat cycle and there is no male around.
Being in heat will cause her nipples to grow no matter what.

You will have to wait at least 21 days to have a vet check her.
Usually by 30 days the embryos can be palpated.
I am assuming you planned on breeding these two anyway? He is old enough but it is best to wait until the bitch is two to breed.
Count your days from the end of her cycle to take her into the vet's.